Tuesday, February 26, 2013

iPhone Skillshare Kickoff – Getting Started with App Development in Xcode and Learning Concepts

Video notes are in progress. Check back here, or on Skillshare.com for an update. Skillshare iPhone class. skl.sh Class Notes – Kickoff Video (1/28/13) Q: Will the Xcode software update affect how useful the Big Nerd Ranch books are? A: Everything should work and look the same. They’re the best books to start with and are written for beginners. Xcode’s improvements are more real-time feedback as you’re typing. (It’s better at suggesting and fixing things) Q: What chapters should we have read by the next class? A: Chapters 1-14 Objective-C Programming Q: If we have to choose between the two Big Nerd Ranch books, which one is more critical? A: If you’re new to programming. I’d recommend Objective-C Programming in a heart beat. If you’ve done C++/C then get the iOS Programming Book Q: When creating a team of 1-3 people, is that for the purpose of all working on one app together? Or just a small group to get feedback from on your own app idea? A: It can be to work on an app idea, or just to have a small study group. You’ll learn more if you teach each other the material. Having people to bounce questions off and answer questions is critical for deeper learning. Q: After taking the screen shot with command+shift+4, how to I access the picture? A: It’s on your desktop with a date stamp as it’s name. Q: How can we post our project Thursday before we make it? A: On Thursday you’ll post your project idea. Write a description, include a picture and create mockups or drawings of the

Source : ducktyper[dot]com


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