Monday, November 19, 2012

New! Cocoa Posts on TCM

New! Cocoa Posts on TCM

During the last two weeks I’ve been working sporadically on a real Cocoa application. To be honest I picked up Cocoa few times so far (first time back in early 2007) but it always felt overly complicated and I gave up. Meanwhile I’ve been developing for the iPhone for several years and I’m quite familiar with Cocoa Touch.

This time around putting to use all my Cocoa Touch knowledge I gave Cocoa another try and I must say it’s delightful.

When you start creating OSX UI you really discover the awesome power of Interface Builder. I recommend everyone with some iPhone developing experience to give it a try.

I’ll start with posting some quick code bits for doing common tasks as I go around the Cocoa APIs. There actually already few online from last week:

  1. How to show an “Open File …” dialogue (without crashing your app)
  2. An always in front NSWindow
  3. Non-resizeable NSWindow
  4. NSView, maximized within its window
How does that sound? Interesting? How would you like also some simple introductory tutorials to Cocoa on Touch Code Magazine? Please take few seconds to let me know via the poll below:

Would you like to see some OSX Cocoa tutorials on TCM?

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Wishing you a great week, Marin
The post was originally published on the following URL:


Source : touch-code-magazine[dot]com


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