Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Adding a Pause Button in Cocos2D Create a Looping  and Scrolling Menu in Cocos2D Utilizing Particle Effects to Enhance Your Cocos2D App

Integrating AdMob with Cocos2D-iPhone Applications

Now updated for latest AdMob SDK that requires a UIViewController

This post provides the code needed to display AdMob ads within Cocos2D using a UIViewController.  Much of the initial content is still the same, but the code reflects the slight changes required to support the use of a UIViewController.  The updated code [...]

Adding a Pause Button in Cocos2D

The ability to pause the Director within Cocos2D makes it relatively easy to implement a game’s pause button.  Some recent online discussion motivated me to write this brief article on implementing a pause button as it seemed the topic could probably use a bit more clarification.

In reviewing the Cocos2D API [...]

Create a Looping  and Scrolling Menu in Cocos2D

This post discusses the code provided by Joao Caxaria on the Cocos2D-iPhone forums about how to do a slick scrolling menu that loops on itself.   As a part of a self teaching project, the assignment was to take Joao’s code and convert it to run on the [...]

Utilizing Particle Effects to Enhance Your Cocos2D App

Particle systems allow for the simulation of explosions, fire, snow, and other special effects.  The Cocos2D-iPhone framework provides the ability to easily implement these various effects and then some.  With little effort, the developer can easily increase the wow factor of their applications.  A review of the Cocos [...]

Integrating OpenFeint with Cocos2D-iPhone Applications

OpenFeint is a service that enables your iPhone/iPod Touch application the ability to provide online score tracking.  The service is free and can easily be incorporated into your applications.   This tutorial will cover the integration of OpenFeint 2.4.3 with the Cocos2D-iPhone framework.  Before getting started, it is assumed that [...]

Source : pocketworx[dot]com


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