Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Instragrab: Your New Favorite Instagram Companion

Instragrab: Your New Favorite Instagram Companion

So, I love Instagram. I can honestly say I waste at least twenty minutes a day looking through my feed and “liking” my favorite photos. And there are always a few ‘grams that really stand out, and while I have “liked” them the only thing I can really do to save them is a screen capture, which isn’t very helpful when I want to repost or share. The filter-loving fiends over at Instagrab have apparently run into the same problem, which is why their new app is clearly made to satisfy our shared Instagram obsession. Basically, Instagrab allows you to download and share your favorite finds on Instagram.

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Instagrab is a brilliant Instagram companion app. It basically does all the things you wish Instagram would do. Bear in mind, Instagrab is not an Instagram replacement; you cannot upload photos and add filters, but you can do everything else. Instagrab essentially allows you to view your feed and like, comment, bookmark and download all of your favorite images. Pretty sweet, huh?

Getting Started

Getting established.

Getting established.

Okay, so the login screen is pretty basic — you login with your Instagram username and password. Once you have filled out the essentials and authorized your app, you can browse your feed. You can view your feed either by scrolling through one image at a time (this allows you to see who posted the photos, how many likes it has, the time it was posted and associated comments it has) or by a 3×3 grid. When you tap on a favorite image, it will pull up the author, a like button, the comments and the number of likes (hey, like Instagram? Yup, exactly.) But, what Instagrab has that Instagram doesn’t is a super awesome button in the top right corner that will allow you to download, add a bookmark or share the photo. When you share the photo you can toggle Facebook and/or Twitter to share the photo with your social network.

Grid view versus Feed view.

Grid view versus Feed view.

Instagrab makes it really easy to share Instagrams.

Instagrab makes it really easy to share Instagrams.

Downloading images is even easier in bulk. When viewing your feed via grid format you can select multiple photos to download or bookmark. Super easy, right? Say you are writing a post on the photoshopped photos of Sandy and look up #Sandy in your search bar. You can easily select any and all relevant images and download them; the only bad thing is that the downloads don’t include the metadata that allows you to attribute the photos to the original author. Other than that, downloads equal awesome. Moving on.

It is super easy to download multiple pictures

It is super easy to download multiple pictures

So you know all those photos that you have liked on Instagram. Where do they go? Well, you can see them, but in the Instagram app, it’s a little convoluted to find them. On Instagram you can see the past 300 you’ve liked, and unfortunately, you can only view the past 60 on Instagrab.

Liked versus Bookmarked

On Instagrab there is also a special feature that allows you to tag photos. This is useful if you are someone who likes a lot of photos, but are only really interested in remembering a few of them. When you bookmark a photo it doesn’t notify the owner, as it would by “liking” it (a little like stalking, but, we’ll gloss over that fact.)

You can view up to 60 Liked images at a time.

You can view up to 60 Liked images at a time.

Not only can you bookmark photos but you can also bookmark users; make of that what you will.

Other Features

Instagrab is pretty clean lined, and it is super easy to navigate with a revealed navigation bar on the left side of the screen.

The navigation bar links to your current account (you can have multiple accounts loaded, perfect if you manage brand accounts), feed, personal photos, “liked” photos, most popular photos, photos located nearby in real time, bookmarked photos, search, and the ability to close out of Instagrab and launch Instagram. Also, Instagrab allows you to zoom in on photos. That’s right, you can zoom in.


Clearly, I love that Instagrab fulfills a need that I have and I know there are a lot of others out there who have been waiting for this as well. Obviously, there are ways to download images, workarounds, etc., but I love how simple this app is to use. The design is clean, and the app is easy to navigate. It is somewhat similar (especially design-wise) to Gramory, but the key differences are that Gramory isn’t as pretty or easy to use and it doesn’t allow you to download the images or zoom in.

I would love to be able to add different types of categorical bookmarks to images/users and be able to view more than my last 60 “liked” photos, but other than that, Instagrab is pretty solid.

Source : blancer[dot]com


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